Democratic Innovation for the Information Age

Which innovations in public participation restore and sustain democracy in turbulent times?

Despite continued support worldwide for democracy as a regime, democracy as a practice is suffering.

Learn about our efforts to develop interventions to avert crises of democracy.

Democratic Innovation for the Information Age

Which innovations in public participation restore and sustain democracy in turbulent times?

Despite continued support worldwide for democracy as a regime, democracy as a practice is suffering. Threats include declining trust in government and political parties, distorted digital communications, and rising populism and polarisation in politics.

In a positive response, governments, businesses, and charities are already reimagining democracy. They have designed inventive democratic services and devices that can help sustain democratic order. Some examples include participatory budgeting, randomly selected juries, and different forms of referendums. These social innovations are often supported by civic technologies, open data applications, citizen science, and behavioural nudges such as information cues that increase civic volunteering.

Yet we know little about what works beyond case studies and we know that some of these interventions can increase disengagement, misinformation, and manipulation.

Interdisciplinarity at the core

We take advantange of the potential of data science technologies, machine learning and multi-variate analysis together with the best that democratic theory and philosophy has to offer. With this novel approach, we intend to tackle the question of whether democratic innovations work (or not) in developing political contexts to guide policymakers in the development and choice of instruments for democratic decision-making.

We value collobrations across the academy and outside it. Our partners and collaborators bring diverse expertise to all our projects. We are committed to inclusive design principles and working with a wide range of stakeholders

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